Well come to Englishpage.          Return to Japanese page!

                Toward to Leonard da Vinci!
          art32m-k  gallery         
                               Synthetic site of develop・mathematics・art!        SINCE1998

                   Wellcome to  art32m-k gallery       art peparkraft 
      .. .. . ....              
  You are  th  custmer (2013.12~)                   
Lets play to Kotowaza!            Semi     

       Let's Try!
      You'll be able to check it up your ability of logical thinking  only 5min.
    Seek10 tester     Download   2015.3.5 release  
    Seek10 tester(unou) Download   2015.3.15 release
       YouTube debut!    Take a walk of a prime number's Dog.

The discovery!    I'd like to tell it to

I find the original form of CRIPTOGRAMA 33.
          So I 'll be able to make a any number of CRIPTOGRAMA
                  Not only 33 but also any number as you like!

    『ねこパズル&Seek10』is make from such a original form of magic square.
 all of them has a different original form of magic square.
         So we will be able to enjoy and play the brain training !
      It's a kind of the brain training game .『
万が一理論』has made possible to do.

I 'll be able to make a any number of CRIPTOGRAMA as you like.2014.5

               CRIPTOGRAMA32 My Gallery original

          I find the original form of CRIPTOGRAMA 33.

  I bigin to PEPAKURA makeing diaryon blog.First number is AKASYOUBIN

   A new work!Let's play a prime number!
       Open to the public now!


              Play a prime number just open now. It can judge to 8999trillion 。
               You set a oputional number and push a judge Button .
       She judged a oputional number. And tell you a result whether a prime number or not.
        If result is not a prime number then appear 2buttons. Tell me! AND Composition.
       Pushed Tell me! then you able to know two of prime numbers the front and the rear and interval.
           If the front and the rear number is a twin then she tell you twins
Pushed Composition then you able to know two of Composition numbers the front and the rear and interval.
       Composition number means make up to multiply two prime numbers except number 2.
Please use for research to a prime number !(2013.12.26)

                 FREE Down load  Save your PC once and Play.

Art corner    Pepakura       Return to Japanese page!

Mathematics and Puzzle 
 『Puzzle to use for education』
            In Spain!


            Spain  サグラダファミリア 2013.8.8 (撮影)

               2005 Published befor

   Art corner

                           無伴奏チェロ 油彩F100号
2012年6月 第39回 日象展 秀作賞 於国立新美術館

                          GO to art gallry

Pepakura corner


             Funbolt pennginn


              白川郷  合掌造り  (Sirakawagou Gassyoudukuri)  




Goto Pepakura

                             mail to

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